In order to build research atmosphere in the faculty of computer engineering, we are going to plan a seminar  for every student and lecturer of computer engineering in a regular basis  (Once every two months) .

In this opportunity we are going to invite all of you students and lecturers to attend our first seminar that will be  held on :

Day / Date : Wednesday / 28 March 2012

Time            : 10.20 – 12.00

Venue         : R.305 (Anggrek Campus – Binus University)

Agenda      :

Paper Review : Generalizing the Hough Transform to Detect Arbitrary Shapes (10:20 – 11:10 presented by Mr. Sofyan S.Kom., M.Eng.)

Research Sharing :

Sharing penelitian: Sparse & Redundant Representation for Signal Models” (11:10 – 12:00 presented by Mr. Endra, S.Kom., M.T.)
