There are ten interesting articles are published this week. Please find them in Article/Lecture Note category.

Here are the titles of the articles :

1.      Landauer Limit Demonstrated

2.      Path Clears Toward a Quantum Internet

3.      This Is Your Brain on fMRI

4.      Superconductivity’s First Century

5.      Nanostructure of Butterfly Wings Could Lead the Way to Inexpensive Infrared Detectors

6.      Staring Down Giants – Achronix Introduces New 22nm FPGAs

7.      Solving the Big Secret – Synopsys Attacks SEUs in FPGAs

8.      (Moore’s) Law of Diminishing Return – When Do We Have Enough?

9.      Back Seat Driving Innovation – MOST, Nvidia, Spansion, and Other Stories

10.  Are RTOSes Dead?