
  • Hendry
  • Jonathan Adiel Pranoto
  • Adi Kurniawan


Human Tracking Application with GPS can get user position on real time scale outdoor, while human tracking application with RFID sensor can get user position indoor. Tracking accuracy can be increase by using information from GPS and RFID. Human tracking application consist of RFID reader, RFID tag, database server, and Android smartphone with GPS. To access the application from smartphone, user need to complete the registration on their smartphone to get a tag. After register, user will get two tags for tracking and be tracked. Before user do some tracking, user need to add friend and the tracked user must be registered on the database server. Tracking outside the room will use GPS, while inside the room will use RFID after tapping. User need to tap to leave the room, if user didn’t tap and walk 20m away from the room, GPS will be activated. With 100% accuracy of tapping and moving position every 3.257m, this application can be relied on to search object indoor or outdoor.

Keywords : Human Tracking, indoor, outdoor, GPS, RFID, Android


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