Anggota :

  • Adhy Surya Hendratmaja 1601244090
  • Nayanda Haberty 1601288470
  • Riens Winoto 1601268374


The whole system in this project is made to control a buildings internal
devices by a local network using a user’s voice where the voice will be
recorded, authenticated and translated into certain instructions. User’s
voice will be extracted and processed inside smartphone and transmitting
to Central server which will be compared or stored with database. The
modules are designed using an Arduino and ESP8266 WIFI module and
controlled using by a raspberry pi. Arduino’s functions  are activating or
deactivating the actuators which are relays where all instructions are sent
using the ESP8266 wirelessly through the router. The raspberry pi will
decide and sending appropriate instructions to the modules. Instructions
will be executed to the actuators that are connected to the Arduino. The rate
of success on the instruction executions issued to the actuators reach 92%
where the LPC accuracy affecting the rate of success. Success/Failure
conditions will be presented through smartphone’s app.

Keywords: Integrated Controller,  Speaker recognitions.