If you missed Internet of Things World, here are some things that the IFA staff picked up as top trends discussed at the conference.

Internet of Things World 2017, held at the Santa Clara Convention Center, concluded on the 17th, bringing together hundreds of companies and leaders in the IoT space. If you missed IoT World, here are some things that the IFA staff picked up as top trends discussed at the conference.

1. Interest in IoT Hasn’t Slowed Down

Throughout the expo halls, many industry representatives and thought leaders alike were asking questions, trading knowledge, and working to understand the different pieces of the IoT ecosystem. It was typical to hear discussions on cellular IoT, LPWANs, blockchain, and edge computing.

2. IoT Industry is Starting to Focus on Customer Value

Chris Kocher from Grey Heron Venture Consulting urged businesses, especially startups, “You would rather be selling aspirin than vitamins.” It’s important to address real pain points rather than creating something gimmicky. Chris stressed that customer need drives everything and that IoT is no exception.

3. No One Can Do It Alone

Lou Lutostanski, VP of IoT at Avnet, said it best: “We’re here to gain a deeper understanding of partners in the ecosystem and see how we fit and how we can use them for a full-blown solution for multiple customers.” Full IoT solutions need hardware, software, and connectivity. Few companies do it all, so partnerships are absolutely essential for success in the Internet of Things. [READ MORE]