Darma Patria 1501144326


Human tracking application with GPS can get user position in real time. But if the user is in closed area, then human tracking application cant get user position because GPS signal cant get through closed area. With the use of RFID, human tracking application can do tracking on closed area. The human tracking application consist of RFID reader, RFID tag, database server and Android smartphone. To access the application on Android smartphone, the parent must register first and then gets a tag that the children will hold it. After the children tapping onto the RFID reader, then the user data inside the tag will send to database server. From the server, that data will send to Android smartphone to show the position of the children. Besides tracking and monitoring, the human tracking application is equipped with other features such as user info and add friend. With user info, parents can see the time when was the last time their children tapping. And with add friend, parents can add one more tag if they have two children. With tapping accuracy 100% , mapping accuracy 100% and streaming accuracy 100%, these shows that this human tracking application is reliable to find object that in closed specific sealed area.

Keywords: human tracking, closed, RFID, Android, RFID tag, tapping, IP Camera