There are 12 interesting books are published this week. Please find them in E-book category.

Here are the titles of the books :

1.      Semiconductor Laser Diode Technology and Applications

2.      Superconductors – Properties, Technology, and Applications

3.      Fourier Transform – Signal Processing

4.      Photonic Crystals – Introduction, Applications and Theory

5.      Laser Scanner Technology

6.      Selected Topics on Optical Amplifiers in Present Scenario

7.      Finite Volume Method – Powerful Means of Engineering Design

8.      Remote Sensing of Biomass – Principles and Applications

9.      PID Controller Design Approaches – Theory, Tuning and Application to Frontier Areas

10.  Fuzzy Logic – Controls, Concepts, Theories and Applications

11.  Real-Time Systems, Architecture, Scheduling, and Application

12.  Fourier Transform Applications