Course Structure for Binusian 2026

Sem Code Course Name SCU Total
1 CHAR6013010 Character Building: Pancasila 2 20
SCIE6049010 Physics I 4/1
MATH6136010 Calculus I 4
MATH6197010 Linear Algebra 3
MATH6196010 Chemistry 2
COMP6875010 Physical Computing & Algorithm* 4
Foreign Language Courses 0
2 CHAR6014010 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2 20
SCIE6050010 Physics II 4/1
MATH6139010 Calculus II 4
CPEN6219010 Circuit & Electronics*&** 4/1
LANG6027010 Indonesian 2
ENTR6509001 Entrepreneurship: Ideation 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
3 MATH6182010 Discrete Mathematics 4 20
CPEN6220010 Computer Networks & Information Security*&** 4/1
CPEN6246010 Digital System*,**&*** 5/1
CPEN6222010 Mobile Application Development for Engineering*&** 2
CPEN6083010 Digital Signal Processing* 2/1
Foreign Language Courses 0
4 CHAR6015010 Character Building: Agama 2 20
STAT6151010 Probability and Statistic 4
CPEN6251010 System & Project Engineering*&** 4
CPEN6252010 Introduction to Microcontroller*,**&*** 5/1
CPEN6253010 Linux Operating Systems 2
Technical Elective****
COMP6842010 Server and Network Administrator 2
COMP6646010 Computer Forensic 2
COMP6876010 UI/UX Design 2
COMP6959010 Database Design 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
5 CPEN6254010 IOT Design & Application*&** 4 20
CPEN6034010 Computer Organization and Architecture*&** 4
ENTR6511001 Entrepreneurship: Market Validation 2
Streaming: Communication System
CPEN6226010 Wireless Communication System*&** 4
CPEN6231010 Optical Fiber Communication System* 4
CPEN6225010 Telco Network & Switching System* 2
Streaming: Applied Networking
CPEN6227010 Advanced Computer Network*&** 4
CPEN6228010 Applied Network Security * 4
CPEN6232010 Cloud Technology Practice* 2
Streaming: Embedded & Intelligence System
CPEN6126010 Cross Platform Application Development*&** 4
CPEN6233010 Machine Learning Application in Robotic * 4
CPEN6236010 PLC Programming for Industrial Automation* 2
Minor Program 10
Free Electives 10
6 Enrichment Program I 20 20
7 Enrichment Program II 20 20
8 CPEN6241010 Pre – Thesis 2 6
CPEN6242010 Thesis 4
CPEN6255010 Thesis 6


  *) This course is delivered in English  **) Global Learning System Course ***) Entrepreneurship Embedded Streaming/Free Electives: -) For 5th Semester: Students are required to choose streaming or minor program or free electives. English University Courses: -) For 1st Semester: English University Courses I, student with score Binus University English Proficiency Test less than 500 will take English in Focus, and student with score test greater than or equal to 500 will take English for Business Presentation -) For 2nd Semester: English University Courses II, student with score Binus University English Proficiency Test less than 500 will take English Savvy, and student with score test greater than or equal to 500 will take English for Written Business Communication -) Students must pass English Savvy with a minimum Grade of C. Pre-thesis (2 SCU) & Thesis (4 SCU) can be taken in the 6th and/or 7th semester by the students who meet the requirements from the Study Program/Program Enrichment Program I (6th Semester) & Enrichment Program II (7th Semester): -) Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus). See enrichment appendix for the tracks detail. Enrichment Track Scheme
Track Semester 6 Semester 7
1 v v
2 v v
3 v v
4 v v
5 v v
6 v v
7 v v
8 v v
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30 v v
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41 v v
Note: IN            : Internship RS           : Research EN          : Entrepreneurship CD          : Community Development SA           : Study Abroad IS            : Certified Specific Independent Study FS           : Further Study etc           : Study Program Special Purposes Description: Student will take one of enrichment program tracks