The IEEE Student Branch BINUS University room with room code HD01 is a premise where members and senior members of IEEE SB gather around. This room is situated on the ground floor of H-tower of BINUS University Syahdan Campus.

This room is usually utilized to conduct meetings, trainings, and annual projects development of IEEE SB. Meetings are usually held by the IEEE SB board of management to discuss what the future trajectory of IEEE SB. Trainings are given to new IEEE SB members to equip them with necessary skillsets to do annual project developments. Project developments are held annually, which most notable of them are Digital Microscope and Prosthetic Hand. These are conducted to equip the members with real-world experience building projects from scratch.

There is several software installed on computers of the IEEE SB room For the IEEE members to manage projects development, projects documentation and content creation.these include the:

  • Adobe Creative Cloud package,
  • Microsoft Visual Studio
  • easyEDA

There are specific tools provided to IEEE SB members to do trainings and project developments, which includes

  • Solder station
  • Power supply
  • Waveform generator
  • Clamp meter
  • Digital multimeter

These tools ensure the IEEE SB members have adequate facilities to effortlessly conduct trainings and meet the project developments deadline on-time.

For the video of the Room you can see below here: