Computer Engineering Program has three major research roadmap, i.e. :

  1. Research Roadmap on Embedded System
    Studying basic concept of programming the Embedded System, ranging from 8 bit into 32 bit processors. Application areas include control-systems, PLC – Programmable Logic Control, and CNC – Computer Numerical Control.
    Keywords: PLC, control system, CNC.
  1. Research Roadmap on Robotics and Industrial Automation
    Studying basic mechanic and control system used in robotics arm and in mobile-robot applications.
    Keywords: mobile robot, arm articulated robot.
  1. Research Roadmap on Network and Communication System
    Studying basic laser system and computer networks high technologies, such as GSM, CDMA, 3G, LTE, and 4G.
    Keywords: GSM, CDMA, 3G, LTE, 4G.