Partnership Progam in Bina Nusantara University are supported by several departments in Binus, which depends on the type of collaborations. The two departments are BCC – Binus Collaboration Center and BIO – Binus International Office. BCC is a front door for industry and Binus university to engage a collaboration. While BIO is the front door for other education to do partnership with Binus university.

Computer Engineering has got several cooperation directly or indirectly with other institutions, either from industry or from other education institution. We had experienced with International agency named Fullcast – Japan outsourcing engineer agency. And also with international companies in Indonesia, such as KalbeFarma – medical company.

We continue to establish connection with industry and other education institution in pursue of continous improvement of our curriculum system. We will be improved our curriculum continously by applying for ABET Accreditation System in the following two/three years from the year of 2011.

For CSR – Coorporate Social Resposibility, Computer Engineering has been helped by CMC – Community Development Center, which organize social event in helping better education system throughout inside and outside of Java Island.


Collaboration List